Blogging is not something I have taken any time to do in recent months. So much has changed since that first and only post that it's almost hard for me to read now. So long, handsome husband! To be clear there is no fondness left in that farewell. The man, whom was never actually my husband, turned out to be a liar. As it turns out nearly everything I ever believed to be true about him rounded out to be a facade he had created to convince the world he belongs. Learning the truth the hard way has set me free!
To quote MLK Jr., "Free at last, free at last. Thank God, Almighty, we are free at last!"
It's exciting to realize I am meeting my goals. I am enrolled in college. I am in the active process of quitting smoking. I found God, and what that means to me is entirely personal - but suffice to say it's the same God you're thinking of - regardless of who you and what you believe. I've discovered my political affiliations and will probably never bother to bring them up again. I am no longer interested in going Vegan. Have you ever eaten seaweed? I now know for certain that it's not for me! Finally, proving to myself and the kids something about success being a state of mind? Please! Success is shutting up and doing something about it when life gets hard.
I've been so busy moving forward in the last few months that I haven't taken a single minute to reflect on where that journey has taken me. I've joined the ranks of modern society and started using a cell phone.
I also got a kick ass pair of boots and a really bad haircut.
Not everything is easy but I've thoroughly enjoyed the challenges. Well, almost all of them. At the moment I have to learn how to remove toys from the toilet and reseal it to the bathroom floor. I am not looking forward to that adventure. Plucky Duck was cute when ducky went down the hole, because ducky came back. My boys aren't so lucky.
To bring it all to a close tonight, I realize I have new goals - pushing forward one day at a time has left me wanting more from life. I am a single mother, sure, but I want to be an independent woman. I want a career that doesn't suck up my whole life but adds life to it. I want my kids to be proud of me. I want to be proud of myself. Most of all I want to live my life in a way where I don't worry about what anyone else thinks.
Amen sister! You're a strong and wonderful woman and God will never give you more than you can handle with his help. I'm proud of you.
Good morning! Sorry I can't help but fall in love with your post and smile when I read it. To hear you say you have found freedom makes me want to hug you. I know your not always one to talk about god, but when given the chance god will be there to handle all your problems. Have a miraculous day!!