Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Food Day!

Today just happens to be Food Day.  I stumbled upon this fact in my ever expanding search for my future best job ever.  Shall I write a book, a cookbook, teach a class, run a consulting firm, or counsel patients in better nutrition?  How about I do all of the above?  Well, folks, that's the plan!  I promise not to try and convert my friends and family into some kind of vegan cult.  I dream of nutrition for better reasons, cross my heart!

As most of you already know, my six year old daughter has allergies just like I did.  What most of you don't already know is that my two year old son also has food allergies.  I know this seems silly because it doesn't affect you personally, but food allergies is becoming more common with each passing year.  Treatable and preventable diet related diseases and sensitivities are becoming a big issue, not just here - but worldwide I'm sure too.  We've been eating this way since the 50's and relying strictly on medicine to treat our discomforts for at least that long as well.  I am discovering how we have the power to change that.  Organic produce is a nice start, but radical changes are necessary in even the organic industry for that to truly provide a solution.  We are not powerless though.  We can choose to eat however we want.  Each of us has a unique digestive system and goal in life.  No two diets are supposed to be alike.  I'll eat my food; you eat yours.  

I intend to go on feeding my kids what is individually best for them without becoming some kind of short order cook.  I am learning what they like.  I am still feeding them chips, because eliminating the foods you love is like taking away roller skates because you already have a bicycle, but I'm buying them chips based upon an ingredients list I can pronounce.  Doritos are becoming a thing of the past while the kids acquire the taste for no msg.  Well rounded lives need well rounded diets.  To be perfectly clear, the word diet has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss.  If you diet for weight loss and don't continue eating that way when you reach your goal then your diet was for nothing.  Diet is a way of life.  We eat to live, we live to eat, we love to eat the foods we love.  It all fits into our lifestyle.  

Happy Food Day!!  Eat well, and live happy!  

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